New Photo Prints Section for Shaire Productions Etsy Store

. Posted by Sherrie Thai of

Tree Silhouette Photo Print

Rose Petals Photo Print

SF Downtown Photo Print

Photography started out as a source of gaining inspiration for my artwork, but over the years, I’ve become very passionate about it as another creative outlet and form of art. With a camera constantly by my side, my photo album of 20,000+ images is growing at a steady pace. Etsy is a great outlet to share and thus, the Photo Print section is born :)

Artwork: Black Dragon

. Posted by Sherrie Thai of

Black Dragon

This is the first time I incorporated coffee and tea in my artwork. Since I’m not a coffee drinker, the small coffee grinds in the kitchen were finally of use. Also, I found that Darjeeling tea had a darker color over Lipton.

After a few washes, diluted sumi ink was splattered by tapping on the paintbrush. The dragon was then applied with several pens on the very forgiving clayboard. Overall, the creative process was very fun and satisfying.

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