Inspiration: Cyptography and Art

James Sanborn Kryptos

James Sanborn's Cyrillic Projector

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

I’ve always been fascinated by the mystery of crytography. Art is a bit enigmatic to begin with, but infusing cryptography enhances its power. Artist James Sanborn is best known for his CIA sculpture Kryptos and is referenced in Dan Brown’s “The Da Vinci Code” book cover design. His work is highly conceptual, but simple in presentation. I love the Bauhausian quality of his structures, particularly his typography. The work speaks for itself, so additional decorations are unnecessary.

Inspiration: Monica Dengo’s Calligraphic Works

Monica Dengo's Calligraphy

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

The calligraphic works of Monica Dengo is an inspiration into the possibilities of the written word. I took a class from her a few years back while she was in San Francisco. My interest in lettering stemmed from graffiti and her techniques helped me understand the traditional aspects of lettering.

On Monica’s site, she has a small, fascinating article on the “differences between graphic, calligraphic and gestural free approach of handwriting.” Read more.

Artwork: Doomsday and Musma Street Art Exhibition


Doomsday closeup

Posted by Sherrie Thai of Shaire Productions.

Doomsday is a handmade poster for the Stick Me Hard 2 International Street Art Exhibition at Musma Gallery in Brussels, Belgium. The topic is “The Worst Case”.

My rendering was created with pen and markers (about 9in. width x 17in. height) to be wheatpasted to the gallery wall. My vision was apocalyptic, where death and destruction reigns free. A nuclear explosion breaks from a skull, positioned above a burning city. The red pattern is a montage of abstract faces done in a Cubist-influenced style.

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