Artwork: Commodities


Commodities is a social commentary through digital illustration. What makes the world go round? Money, power, and greed seems to have become the motivation, making war become a business in itself.

The artwork focuses on the shapes of weapons and bio-hazard symbols. Barcodes and dollar currency symbols line the ground, suggesting that everything has become a commodity. View Larger.

Inspiration: Doodlage & My Sketches

Wandering Spirit

A few months ago, I came across a very inspiring site, Doodlage, a place devoted to doodles, sketches, and preliminary art. Leo/Rashell graciously invited me to be a guest contributor, so here’s a bit of my intro: “Sketching has always been a huge part of my art (and life)–as subconscious expression, use in final art, conceptualization, or as its own art-form. My sketches have been described by others as intense, odd, insane, neurotic, but in the end, it’s part of me and I love creating…” Check out the rest here.

Doodlage also has some items on Etsy, fun artworks on rocks and collages on paper.

Artwork: Shaire Productions on TeeFury!

Dragon O Shirts

I’m so excited to have my work featured on Tee Fury. It’s a fascinating concept–selling one t-shirt only for a day–limited and exclusive run. My day is tomorrow: December 3rd, Eastern time. There’s a goofy Q&A too, so don’t read too much into it. =0) The design I chose was a more elaborate version of the collaborative shirt from last week: Dragon O.

Please support the Shaire Productions propaganda!!!

Artwork: Winter and Dragons

Holly Reindeer

As it’s now December, Christmas will soon be upon us. I created Holly Reindeer to celebrate the occasion.

Mountain & Trees

Inspired by the prints of Hiroshige, Mountain & Trees is a wintery illustration that would work well as an e-card. This was created with a few different brush and fine-tip pens. I’ve been exploring minimal color as an accent, not a crutch for the line-work.

Dragon Circle

Dragon Circle is an apparel design soon to be on Zazzle. This was another pen/ink drawing converted in Adobe Illustrator.

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