Inspiration: Kai Regan, Urban Photographer

Kai Regan Apple iPod

Kai Regan Slum Village

Kai Regan is an immense and inspirational photographer. Like many commercial artists, his photo content and style ranges to coincide with different clients and audiences–from pristine imagery to gritty urban scenes. He can be this generation’s Richard Avedon. Kai’s portraits, lifestyle photography, and digital compositions (like the iPod ads, enlisting the talents of Rocket Studio) is a documentary of urban existence.

Photo: World Famous Dance Crew

From my sessions of attending the Cellspace dance practices, I met some really cool folks, one of whom led me to take this photo–amazing dance crew out of San Diego–World Famous! The photo shoot was located in and around Golden Gate Park. This image in particular was great fun. I saw a huge 9-12″ tall fountain in the middle of the concourse, pointed, and said, “that looks really cool–maybe you could get on top of that” as a passing thought, but without hesitation, they climbed up and starting posing. Great models, amazing experience. Check ‘em out here

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