Artwork: Tee Fury Charity Collab

Artist collaboration (mine is the bottom left corner) brought together by WOTTO of only for Nov. 28th!

I’m very pleased to be part of this fun charity project, benefiting Movember. They run events to promote awareness for men’s health issues, including cancer and depression.

Artwork: Variation of a Theme

Bebo Games

This is a recent design project promoting a Beijing Games app. The project scope was to create several profile skins highlighting several countries, so on my part, it was a test in creating a brand which was able to extend to different markets. My background in identity and package design was pretty helpful–color and design elements help differentiate the brand in unique ways. The digital illustration was created in Adobe Illustrator and the layout was created in Adobe Photoshop.

Dark Knight: Promotional Design

Dark Knight

I created this design for the Dark Knight Campaign. As with most movie campaigns, the artwork was already in existence, so I just had to concentrate on extending the brand through photo collages and creating supporting artwork. This is where research is essential–if I didn’t have just a day or two to turn something around, I could easily spend a week on research. I feel very blessed to have the opportunity to touch different and exciting campaigns that I admire.

The concept was inspired by the Gotham Times site with interactive Flash-based elements. If you’re interested in seeing the real sites for The Dark Knight, check out my other posting about their guerrilla marketing campaign.

Cultural Editors

I bought the book Design Your Self by Karim Rashid (fashion and furniture designer) the other day. Some of the things he mentions in the book is pretty common sense stuff (about how to live your life through balance), but there are a few interesting points. He mentions designers as being “cultural editors” and that there are three types of beings: “those who create culture, those who consume culture, and those who don’t give a damn about culture.”

I do agree that designers can have enormous cultural power to create fads and change the scope of culture. Look at the impact design has had on Apple–from the functional design of the iPod to the silhouette ads (influenced by the 1900 Victorian cuts). From aesthetics to mass consumerism, design not only affects our visual palette, but how we live and the bottom line. Japanese products are indicative of the design culture and the American market of product design has been catching on. Aesthetics sell.

To say that it’s only designers who have this power of “cultural editor” may be a bit presumptuous. Society is made up by many different types of people, and everyone can make a ripple in their own way–from academics to artists and everyone else in-between. Passion is what makes people “cultural editors,” not necessarily what your line of work is. That passion affects so many things: your outlook on life affects your relationships, demeanor, and the actions you take. I’ve heard people say that ‘work is who you are’, but I know plenty of people who can’t work in their field that they’re passionate about due to external circumstances, or are transitioning into what they love to do. If you have an external passion aside from work, that can provide happiness and a sense of balance.

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